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Ana Sayfa Yedek


Critical Education Network (CEN) is an independent (supported-funded by its volunteer members only) educational initiative that includes researchers, educators, publishers and activists. CEN is an open, democratic and collective platform where educators across the globe can share their studies/researches. For this purpose, CEN publishes E-Journal, Rethinking Critical Pedagogy (RCP) which is already Indexed by Google-Scholar, welcomes critical educational studies and articles; it considers the word ‘critical’ of critical pedagogy as a systematic approach to education draws on ideological-political substantiations rooted in enlightenment tradition rather than a reactionary attitude: it is a dialectic criticism, not just any criticism. Therefore, critical pedagogy (CP) posses a significant power to analyze root causes of oppression, exploitation, and discrimination in relation to a larger socioeconomic and sociopolitical structure and offer philosophical premises and practical suggestions oriented towards counterhegemonic and emancipatory educational practices.

However, RCP does not consider CP as a set of cookbook style suggestions. An educational practice that was proven to be successful in a certain country-region may not be applicable to other places in the world in a mechanical sense. Instead that practice may provide us with a new vision to conceptualize similar issues in different places in the world to establish a coherent connection between local and global. We live in a world colonized by neoliberal hegemony. To be able to produce counter hegemonic educational practices, CP needs to take advantage of the ideas of thinkers-educators who have made significant contribution to CP literature. By doing so, CP can develop a consistent standpoint over issues such as the tension between nation-states and globalization, poverty, equity-justice, climate changes, environmental issues, advanced technology that comes with a new form of oppression and exploitation.

In the Book Review section, views and thoughts about new & old books on education are shared. Useful Links provides links for websites that could be beneficial for teachers/educators/researchers and scholars who are committed to educational practices oriented towards freedom. Forum accepts thought provoking and creative articles/studies and essays written in English and Turkish on current issues in education. Conferences-Workshops-Seminars provides a list of academic conferences-seminars and workshops for scholars who wish to attend. From the press provides a selection of actual news from the globe.

And we can do this all together. CEN aims to be an open platform for that kind of collective sayings, thinking and doings… You can be on the Advisory Board, or the editorial board; you can coordinate academic discussions and develop publication proposals among other volunteer options.

Come and Join us!


Name: Rethinking Critical Pedagogy (RCP)
(Online Open Access Peer-Reviewed Education Journal)
ISSN: 2717-8927

Editorial Board

Dr. Bülent Avcı (Federal Way Public Schools, Washington, USA)

Design & Development

Serdar Kurtoğlu

Academic Advisory Board

Prof. Ole Skovsmose (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Prof. Paul Orlowsky (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
Prof. Ana Carolina Faustino (Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil)
Prof. Ravi Kumar (South Asian University)
Prof. İnci Dirim (Vienna University)
Prof. Dr. Antonia Darder (Loyola Marymount University, USA),
Prof. Dr. Maria Nikolakaki (University of Peloponesse, Greece),
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayo (University of Malta, Malta),
Prof. Dr. Curry Mallot (West Chester University, USA),
Prof. Dr. Peter McLaren (Chapman University, USA),
Prof. Dr. Kostas Skourdoulis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece),
Prof. Dr. Timothy D. Ireland (Federal University of Paraiba in João Pessoa, Brazil)
Prof. Dave Hill (Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK )
Prof. Dr. Adnan Gümüş (Çukurova University, Turkey)
Prof. Arturo Rodriguez (Boise State University, U.S.A)
Dr. Ayhan Ural (Gazi University, Turkey)


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