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From the press / Basından

from the press / basından

Teenage Cell Phone Addiction: Are You Worried About Your Child?

At what point does reliance on and use of cell phones and the Internet turn into an addiction? What you can do to help your kids avoid developing an addiction


Trapped by Automation: Poverty and discrimination in Serbia’s welfare state

In March 2023, Bogdan tried to renew the social assistance that he and his family, including four young children, depended on. Instead of receiving the assistance they so desperately needed, he was told that he had “too much money” in his bank account. “This was ridiculous…

Artificial intelligence, algorithms, and social inequality: Sociological contributions to contemporary debates

Artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithmic systems have been criticized for perpetuating bias, unjust discrimination, and contributing to inequality. Artificial intelligence researchers have remained largely oblivious to existing scholarship on social inequality, but a growing number of sociologists are now addressing the social transformations brought about by AI. 



The effects of smartphone addiction on learning: A meta-analysis

  • Smartphone addiction has negative impacts on student learning and overall academic performance.

  • The greater the use of a phone while studying, the greater the negative impact on learning.

  • The skills and cognitive abilities students needed for academic success are negatively affected by excessive phone use.

  • The results of this meta-analysis implied that addicted users show a diminished level in learning.

Adverse Effects of Smartphone Addiction among University Students in South Korea: A Systematic Review

Background: Globally there has been an exponential increase in the penetration of smartphones among the youth population and smartphones have become indispensable in the daily lives of university students in South Korea.


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